Human and Institutional Capacity Building
Nutrition and Agriculture Linkages
Program and Policy Processes
Biological Mechanisms
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We invite you to join us for a webinar series that will showcase critical research findings from the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Nutrition, hosted at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University over the past 10 years. During each webinar, panelists from across the globe will present findings from their research, discuss policy implications of these findings, discuss what needs to be done to better link research to practice, and identify research gaps for future consideration. The Innovation Lab for Nutrition is co-hosting these webinars with USAID Advancing Nutrition every month through 2020 and more webinars are being planned for 2021.
View all previous webinar recordings and links to presentations here.
Animal sourced foods (ASFs) are nutrient dense foods that when consumed in small amounts provide quality protein, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, and all nutrients critical for growth and development, particularly of infants and young children. While evidence supports the contribution of ASFs in improving the linear growth of children, a better understanding of the long-term effects of the consumption of different ASFs is needed. In this webinar we will examine the role of ASFs in improving the nutritional status of vulnerable populations and present findings from the Innovation Lab for Nutrition’s studies in Nepal, Uganda and Bangladesh. These include econometric multi-country analyses assessing the role of the type of ASF and the total number of ASFs in supporting optimal growth and development. We will also present analyses and findings on our work in the realm of nutrition-sensitive interventions (e.g. aquaculture and animal husbandry), consumption of ASFs, and nutritional status.
August 5th 9:00-10:30AM (ET)
August 12th, 9:00am - 10:30am EDT